Albatross – Strawberry Guava


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Grade: Craft

Indica Dominant.

THC: 31%

Flavors/Aromas: Strawberry, Floral, Fruity, Pungent
Effects: Happy, Hungry, Sociable, Uplifting
Medical Uses: Depression, PTSD, Stress

This is a special plant selected from original Oni seed co. Strawberry Guava was breed for an extraction.

Earn 102 Points!
Earn 102 Points!
SKU: F0-ALB-S1663Z1G8 Categories: , ,


This is a special plant selected from original Oni seed co. Strawberry Guava was breed for an extraction. This particular cultivar was a unique outlier and chosen for its dried flowers. It comes in at whopping 31% thc. It has sweet floral strawberry aroma with gas.

Flavors/Aromas: Strawberry, Floral, Fruity, Pungent
Effects: Happy, Hungry, Sociable, Uplifting
Medical Uses: Depression, PTSD, Stress

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14 Grams


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