Ask yourself: how did you sleep last night? And the night before? How about the past month? 

If answering the above induced yawning, then it might be time to refresh your sleep routine.

Quality shut-eye time is a big deal. On average, adults need 7 or more hours of sleep per night for optimal health, immunity and wellbeing. Restful sleep is also integral to getting stuff done during the day.

Many factors can impact our delicate circadian rhythm (aka our sleep-wake cycle) – stress, anxiety, eating/drinking patterns, chronic pain, blue screen light and our environments. Since we spend one third of our lives asleep, we all know how important it is to cultivate healthy sleep habits.  

To help regulate your body’s clock, try setting the same bed/wake-up time every day, incorporate daily movement, limit screen time before bed, and support your brain’s wind-down process with relaxing rituals.

This is where cannabis comes in. Some research and anecdotal insight has shown that CBD can work like a dream on inducing sleepiness and enhancing overall sleep.

Other research shows that CBD improves sleep as it hones in on the root causes of insomnia and anxiety. Cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system, which helps your body maintain a state of balance and stability (homeostasis). 

As CBD research keeps budding, we’ll continue learning how CBD interacts with sleep.

The CBD Sleep Tinctures were formulated with sleep in mind. ATOM’s line of products has you covered with everything from tinctures to teas and mineral bath soaks. 

The CBD Sleep formula consists of CBD isolate, organic botanicals and melatonin, combined together to help you fall asleep faster and achieve a deeper longer sleep.

The 1:1 Sleep formula consists of Indica based THC oil, CBD isolate, organic botanicals and melatonin, combined together to help you fall asleep faster and achieve a deeper longer sleep. Our Indica strain is perfect for entering relaxation mode before bed. 

Some say nothing beats a hot cup of tea for soothing comfort, especially before bed. The comfort factor makes this tea a natural for measured-dose CBD cannabis medication, carefully blended to ease stress, aches and pains. Take a look at available beverages here

If bedtime baths are your jam, let Yoni Soak CBD-infused mineral bath soak. Epsom Salts are a simple mineral compound made from Magnesium and Sulfate, two important minerals containing naturally occurring healing compounds that have strong detoxifying properties. When combined with cannabis, skin nourishing oils, and therapeutic grade essential oils they are even more powerful. The magnesium additionally helps improve muscle and nerve function while promoting healthy joints and skin.